illume Skylights

illume Skylights

We are proud to install Australian made illume Skylights, we believe this is a fantastic product that achieves a seamless result. Have you wanted to get a skylight but have been putting it off for a number of reasons?  

Hello Light! Goodbye Problems



Traditional skylights are great for bringing natural light into your home. Unfortunately, they come with a host of problems.

Look at all these positives illume Skylights have to offer. Contact us today to have a chat about your household needs.



Unlike a traditional skylight, room temperature is not compromised by a shaft breaking the integrity of insulation against external conditions, reducing heat transfer. This makes illume more energy efficient adding to utility cost savings and less emissions. 

illume PREMIUM Round 280mm

illume PREMIUM Round 350mm

illume PREMIUM Square 300mm

illume PREMIUM Square 400mm

illume PREMIUM 300x600mm

illume PREMIUM 300x1200mm

illume PREMIUM 600x900mm

illume PREMIUM 600x1200mm

illume Brochure

Check our the amazing range below in the illume brochure

illume Remote Dimming Switch